Neut Class Suggestion: "The Revolutionary"

just pulled this idea out of my ass

Goal of the class is to see all classes with royal blood dead by the end of the game.

Abilities: at night, can check to see if class has royal blood. if he finds a bd with royal blood, it tells the unseen the next night, and since unseen wants prince dead as quick as possible, they’ll probably target them

alternatively, if the revolutionary finds a converted unseen with royal blood, it tells the sheriff, who will then out them the next day.

lastly, has day ability, “revolution”, if all royal bloods besides king are dead, the revolutionary can activate this ability, and the next night the revolutionary bypasses guards/any protection and kills the king, and then revolutionary wins.

this gives a big incentive for neut kings to want to see the revolutionary dead

the king, or at least the starting one, technically does not have the passive “Royal Blood”

i know, the idea is that the revolutionary’s goal after it kills any royal bloods is to kill whoever is the current king, regardless of whether they were royal blood or not

how about:
a 1/2 use night ability that when used:
checks if all royals are dead, if they are, revolutionary wins, otherwise the ability fails, and if it runs out of uses, the revolutionary loses

or have it be one use and kill the revolutionary if it fails

or here my suggestion
4 unseen spawn
1 mm 1 assasin 2 unseen
6 blue dragon
2 revolutionary
abilities (well idk)
goal survive to see no king exist

Um… No? Only 2 Unseen at the start of the game. That or 2 cult.

And if you add a king and 2 other Neuts then it only adds up to 15