Neutral class: royal guard

What’s the point of a written media if you’re not allowed to utilize its history? I wasn’t available at the forums when this was posted and thus first see them now and share my viewpoints?

Why do you feel the need to harass me about posting on older threads when there’s clearly not that much activity on the subforum and therefore I do not disrupt the viewing of the forum?

Does it disturb you that much that older threads gets new posts?

There’s community/forum rules that does not permit the bumping of posts when not posting any meaningful addition to the thread. Are you pompous enough to claim that is the case here?

Also where in the blazes does it say that the OP is banned and WHY does it matter? He clearly wasn’t banned due to any offenses in this particular thread.

Hi yes, the rules say that…

I get you weren’t here at the time the topic was posted and that was a constructive reply, but let’s cool it in the response bud. I don’t think they were harassing ya. You don’t have to call Amelia pompous.

But to your other points, this is a pretty active forum, maybe not the class/lore/fanfic section but the forum as a whole is. It doesn’t really disturb most of the general user base other than bringing up an old thread to the top of the list.

And yes OP is banned not for this post, but others like it. It doesn’t really matter to this post or your post.

So yeah, if you want to continue leaving constructive replies go for it. But calm it down with the attitude man. Let’s like be good people and treat each other with respect.

When a moderator asks for correction on behavior, I expect there’s substance behind their reasoning. I don’t see it in this case. You may see my reply as hostile, but I didn’t insult Amelia, nor did I say anything against the rules. Instead I see a moderator who asks me to correct my behavior without reason and now I see another moderator defend them for it - again without reason. If you firmly believe that posting in threads that are haven’t been active in 2 months is against the community’s interest, why not make a rule against it or better yet; archive the threads? If there’s no interest in discussing something that wasn’t posted within a few weeks, why keep it around?

Again I ask what the point is of a written media if you cannot use its history?

Then I fail to see the issue.

Then what is the point of Amelia bringing it up?

The thing is that I feel like I get disrespected by Amelia for something that doesn’t go against the Forum rules. Twice have I posted on subjects I haven’t been around when they were posted and twice have she brought up that I shouldn’t post on older subjects. Yet there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be able to.

If the forum is active, then my replies should quickly be drowned in other activity and there’s not a problem. Those who feel the incentive to check out the post can do so, and the rest can go about their business as usual.

Instead I get a negative response from a moderator without reason, I get a comment that doesn’t have anything to do with the post or the thread and then another moderator who tells me to back off…

That doesn’t seem like we are treating each other with respect.

By the by, it is against the rules. Such is quoted in the above post.

I mentioned the OP was banned because that means he’s not going to be able to respond to your feedback.

If you believe I was disrespecting you, I apologize. That was not my intent.

Excuse me, what?

I’m pretty sure @DatBird agreed that my post wasn’t against the rules. They just didn’t like that I took offense and was critical on your response to me.

But the OP is not the only viewer of this forum and again I cannot see he is banned. It has no bearings on whether or not it makes sense to post on the thread.

What would you feel if an “authority” (yes a moderator here is an authority) asked you to correct your behavior but you weren’t doing anything wrong?

Now @DatBird interpreted my reply that I called you pompous then and there. That’s not the case. I was hinging it on whether you saw fit to deem my post non-constructive and therefore against the rules. And… you did kinda just say I posted against the rules, so there it is.

This was the rule mentioned


I was telling you not to revive the threads because it was against the rules.

@DatBird Since you involved yourself here, I’m sorry to draw on you, but could you clear this one up?

Your posts may have been deemed the way they were because you explicitly said I was harrassing you about it.

Harassment may have been a strong word for it, that’s true. However I believe you are in the wrong here, which is why I called it out.

If @DatBird comments in your favor, then I wont post on older threads again. But I do ask that you update the community guidelines to reflect this decision.

I simply said

, as you were calling them pompous and accusing them of harrassing you.

In my post not only did I agree that your post was constructive but I told you if you have more leave them. The rules say constructive replys are allowed if your necrobumping threads as i showed in my post.

If you feel you have been disrespected you can talk to me in dms on discord. Its in my profile. I felt as though you were coming off very harsh over a misconception, so i cleared said misconception. And told you to calm down.

So to wrap this up, you can post in old threads if said post is constructive. If not do not post in old threads.

This conversation has moved away from the the original purpose of the thread. So if you want to continue this discusion, continue it in dms. If not keep this discussion over the class made in the original post

holy shit lol

also holy shit this role is ridiculous

someone host a sfol but it has every single character this man has suggested

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GGhana we don’t want to torture people please

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all of these roles are hilarious

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i dont know if someone should try to balance them or just give up and leave them as is

the mind flayer, caliph, cathar and bill gates have won

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note this includes renaming them

we should probably rename stuff like caliph but having nk bill gates is too much of a meme to pass up

I am so lost about what is happening here.