Hey, I just needed a catchy title. I’m buffing the NKs overall, but nerfing Poss because I believe even with those changes he would be still stronger than the others. (Possess 2 stronk)
uh reaper is stronger then poss possessor is fine nks should be balanced around poss/reaper or even a little steonger
Reaper is stronger than poss who?
We don’t know her.
Said this in Discord, part of the reason why I can’t really respond here is because I was (mostly) participating in the original discussion for the ideas.
I keep forgetting about this being a bug at the moment and never use it. Though it’s kind of cool. I’ve won plenty of times without it, so while it’s is useful, it’s also not 100% necessary, so I am kind of neutral on it. Perhaps start with removing it and seeing how stats are before considering re-adding it.
Again though, I’m neutral on this, not really bothered if it stays or goes.
I kind of prefer this. At the moment, Circle can be very useless. You can take a chance and hope you Circle the right person (such as the prince) and get a ton of kills…or you can get only one, or worse, zero, completely wasting the souls. At least this way you are still guaranteed your Reap on the target. I agree with Defend stopping it completely too, prevents it being overpowered.
I like this. I think the only real reason it’s now a night ability is to allow Circle to be a day ability, however this does allow those last second decisions to empower Reap someone (like you figure you’re about to hit the MM).
I still remember trying to think of gameplay logic for this change, lol. Agree with it though.
Much more useful than having a separate ability to move bombs and allows you to 1vs1 a king. Thumbs up.
Side note:
Remove this part for hilarity