Please fix neutral killers. They rarely win anymore. They win like maybe 10% of the time and are always outted by the dead. They are no fun to play and you are forced to play the long game where you don’t kill anyone. You can’t jump as a possessor or you will get outted immediately. It sucks to be a NK and best case king dies and you can step up to win. Coupled with the fact that you rely heavily on the evil guys to actually be good.
I agree, NKs need a boost.Perhaps allowing double NKs in games without noobs? Then allow 2 possessors/reapers to win together.
More NKs is not the solution, I promise.
It would make more sense to simply remove the Psychic’s ability to talk to the dead, and fix Death Knights. If you really want to get info from the dead, simply add a new Investigative role that can see the results of the night a specific person died. This shouldn’t be its main ability, but a one or two-use one alongside its main function.
I can see what you mean about talking to dead with the poss. But the reaper doesn’t care about if the dead talk to the psy.
Princess investigates Reaper
Reaper knows this will happen and reaps her
Princess tells Psychic who Reaper is
Reaper gets killed
That’s true with every evil class in the game. In fact with the reaper this would happen anyway the second they chill someone.
This is not an issue.
Chilling somebody doesn’t tell them who you are lol
Neither does the psychic night chat. But the dead might tell the chilled player who you are themselves. Don’t forget that chilling someone lets them talk to the dead.
Add it to the Sheriff. “Detective” night ability, “You read the logs of the dead to aid you in your investigations.” I mean as a class the Sheriff is needed but can be pretty useless once you’ve started getting to the end when you are just checking the same people over and over again. The Paladin has two abilities, so why not Sheriff too.
Or the Noble, “Research” ability, “You peruse the royal archives and read the journals of the dead.”
But, you can already read the deads journals?
Yeah…I kind of forgot that part. Some how.
Perhaps, once you are dead, you can add one last entry before you go but only the Sheriff (or person with the ability) can see it. Like you’ve left a note for them or something using invisible ink that only the sheriff has the means to detect. So you can do your:
N1: Flirt 3 > (You die)
Get one additional edit
-------No more edits as normal to prevent abuse------
A Sheriff, in theory, should be able to deduce that there might be a “hidden” message that was scribbled as the killer was breaking down the door.
A “confirmed” but lying/converted Sheriff could also claim to have done the check and skew the results, no one would know until the info proves false, as it is currently if a “Sheriff” claims someone is unseen. Not sure how to add it for cult though if using Sheriffs.
Might be a good line of thought at least, I have no idea how, with 110 hours of play now, I forgot we can read journals of the dead.
I signed up for this forum specifically to disagree with this thread. NK’s should NOT have a high win rate, or even an OK win rate. To me it should be a bonus to win as NK. BD has enough on their plate as it is without hyper effective NKs who are guaranteed to live into N7
Aside from that, I think that possessor is COMPLETELY fine right now, and does not need changes. Yes, you can get unlucky with possessor, but you have the tools to win
Reaper I think does have problem, but the developers need to be really careful about how they buff reaper.
Reaper’s only weakness is that they can be executed, unfortunately the current meta has BD VERY execute happy.
The possessor can avoid this with body swapping, but the reaper really has nothing
What I would like to see is Reaper get something in the spirit of body swap, but weaker. Something that can help them get out of one bad council moment per game.
My idea was to give the Reaper a one use ability that could only be used if the Reaper gets 4-5 souls. It changes a players objective to ensuring that the Reaper survives to the end of the game, call it whatever you want, but in function it’s sort of a reverse Merc but without abilities.
A reaper could use this on an investigative class or even the king himself to help power him through the mid-game. In this way, it helps the reaper maintain his cover, without providing the bullet proof suspicion reset that a Possessor has.
Once in a while you will be a nk and your win rate will be low . Its hella fun when you do win and usually people are quite impressed when you pull it off .
Its also for me pretty fun just to see how much carnage you can wrack up in the meantime . I have won a few times on nk but usually you get screwed over at some time or the other .
If you compare nks on this game to those in TOS, it is obvious where the problem lies. Both factions are better off with the nk dead as soon as possible.
I gave this suggestion a bit back but one thing that could help is a defile journal wipe ability. Something like this:
Night ability 2: Rot - Kill a player. Remove they’re journal and make them appear as the chosen class. You know what they’re real class was. (2 uses. Costs 3 soul’s and doesn’t give you one)
Good enough I like that idea with “Rot”
My suggestions for NK change:
-When possessor uses puppet strings, the player they possess is not informed that they were possessed
-When possessor uses possess, the player they possess will be unable to speak with toher dead and psychic
-Reaper gets another night ability:
Unleash souls
(costs 2 souls) Kill 2 players (doesn’t leave empty bodies). You do not gain souls from this attack.
i just dont think giving NK’s more kill power is the answer.
NK is already annoying as hell and extremely potent.
They need more defense, not more offense (although I would argue again that Poss is 100% ok in current form)
Reaper just needs a way to avoid dying late game imo.
Possessor can jump, which leaves everyone unsure who he jumped into. Reaper is always Reaper and almost always gets pin-pointed unless they’ve manage to convince/trick an Alch to help them or something, which is rough since most Alchs will happily out the Reaper because it keeps their neck off the block and buys good will with both factions.
Well I think I’ve won about 4 of my last 10 NK games, even more if u count the times I became king as a reaper, so I completely disagree with you. It is and it should be much harder then BD or evil fractions but you have to be smart. BTW I dont think NK should get more then 10-15% win rate.
I can give you the following tips:
As possesor:
- Attack king the firsts turns, stupid knights often guards him, and it can make it 2 for 1 (the knight and the posessed character dies)
- dont jump body before prince and psychic are dead. I’ve won 1 game when I’ve Iumped into prince and told everbody that I executed the posessor, then i just posessed myself to kill few “jailed” unseen members and they bought it.
- Kill king on n3 when u can get immune with 2 souls
- once you become king you’ll win 100% of the games because u are a proved natural king and nobody really cares about you.
Both classes:
- You have to pretty much keep the game balanced to the end, the wrost thing for you is unseen/cult majority as they got the information and know who you are.
- king and observers are your wrost enemy as they can find naturals or follow you, kill them when you can.
- Alchs are your best friend, and most of them will preffer you to win because NK winners much cooler. I’ve won 2-3 games just because of an alch.