Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

I removed everything that can be exploited on this one (I think)

Depends on if I get a blackmailer role

If this starts after the big one atm ends I’ll join.

This gamemode is so low-effort I can probably just slank and get a better chance of winning than if I actually tried:^)



I see Solic dying N1

By the power of modbias I demand that I rand Loanshark


I want to see two players being allied all game only for loanshark to come near the end and screw it all up.


Hey Ici let’s pair up again to become the public enemy


Make this duo

Okay, Ive been too inactive but I think im back. /In

/cohost so I can get spammed with infinite notifications


Hey now

Solic and I put a LOT of effort into breaking the last game


You two had a good strat the only problem was that it had no counterplay.


In any case, I’m 3 for 4 in psycho games

Let’s make it 3 for 5, inevitably

Ohhhh I just remembered you got twin on both neutral showdown and bastard anniversary

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Why do you think I hate playing with it by now

Did you check the reworked twin though? It should be more fun now

Modbias fk automatically doesn’t get twin


Memebias FK gets twin for the third time

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