Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

Because RNG I mean @Margaret decreed that the Elite should have the Shaman as a target

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We’re all neuts here lets be real with each other.

But I’m a peaceful Neutral.

Lets be peaceful

What classes can put bounties again?



We can all agree not to get agressive here and just live our lifes

Oh come on, stop fearing the little alliances.

/vote astand

Maybe thats why astand was so fine with dying because he would bring down his killer with him :thinking:

You guys are no fun. Well, you if you don’t want a reward, go ahead.

Has Geyde even tried to defend themselves?

/vote bluestorm for those who want to go with ‘kill previous winner’ plan.

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He didn’t, but I don’t want to vote him just because hes counterwagon.

/vote bluestorm Because why not

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@Geyde please accept this pocket

I’m not open to discussing anything.

According to some of my allies, you are death immune. @Geyde


Half of the classes are death immune sometimes.