Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

@psychoneirik is he getting modkilled

[NSFW] @Emilia
It’s about support characters BDSM play

Don’t do it

She didn’t put a warning on it when she gave it to me


Welp, I’m about to get mod killed, will I get BLed from next few games?

No since it was a mistake

Aw man I had such a good plan too.

what was the plan?

I would heal Firekitten, slowly get down to 5 players left, if 3 players wanted to vote for me, I would pact one of them.

Fireslol has been modkilled.


I wonder what their class was tbh

Sorry, but quoting from classcard confirms your class.

Yeah it’s fine. I will now stop posting in this thread after this post.

can modkilled players be revived

heroes never die

No they can’t

heroes seldom die

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Sounds legit