Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

Yeah, Meteoro said to me “I have info.” probably not the best idea to tell it to someone you has a 50% chance of dying with a bypass heals/death imm kill

I’ll analyze it when I finish breakfast

The second one

Fun fact - I didn’t betray a single person this game.

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Same here :+1:

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@Emilia just confirm the choice.

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I personally felt that my class was boring and didn’t bother much, I’ll admit. Never made any PM or any alliances till I died.

I didn’t do shit with my night abilities

All my kills were at day

Also fun fact

I was supposed to be able to analyse D1 but it wasn’t in the card and psycho didn’t wanna change anything midgame

I planned to betray you whilst FK was alive :+1:


I learned that not betraying people in this game is one of the most impossible things ever

I just let everyone else do the betrayal for me and picked up the pieces


Even if I had an outrageous number of PMs I think that my sucess was on playing underdog/lone wolf
A lot of people had a PM with me but few would find it relevant enough, and no one could look at me and say “wow someone leaked she had an alliance” or think I was powerful as I had no one but Meteoro

As soon I spread the rumour that Geyde was powerful on alliances, he showed up dead.

I think claiming collector played a lot in success of getting able to shoot people ironically

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I made one PM with FK at the very start, and one with you and Squid at the end. Only others I had were from Marcus and DatBird.

Kinda surprised not more people wanted to get in touch with one of the previous winners.

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I’m guessing it was before I made a pact with you, heh

Also this was our chat at the beginning

Hey wanna be an alliance. I’m collector what’s your claim.

firekitten:Blue what are you doing

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As soon as I got Collector, I had the biggest shit-eating grin on my face

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