Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

No, it was after.

I planned on just AFKing the game until I thought of a discourse to tell Meteoro
I did and Meteoro had lots of info
I made up an objective to make the game fun (killing Geyde) until another (killing Astand) showed up
And as Squid pacted me, I had a new objective as she was targeted a lot on the day


Mercenary got baited so hard

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fun fact
The bounty never went off, I think
I just screamed so until everyone believed me
I didnā€™t even actually ask Psycho if it wore off or not, but as Marg said it didnā€™t I believe Marg actually asked

Pro tip: make someone your ride or die early on in the game, itā€™s so much help.


They were trying to find the person they want to pact

ngl I could have accepted the trap if she didnā€™t afk for the entire remaining of the game

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tbh there was your team and Geyde/Meteoro/Merc/Marg. That team simply had too many people and made the wrong people angry


4 person team is like the worst idea you can have

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Not actually if you do it early game because at least one is very likely to die until lategame

There was a loose arrangement of some kind

Mercenary itā€™s a ticking time bomb. Thereā€™s also things such as matyr and revives and they could end up telling everyone everything

Best early alliance is to agree to not kill each other but other then that itā€™s stupidly dangerous

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also I feel bad for boss but I thought they were betraying me

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it didnā€™t help that boss claimed to ritualize me

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Ez game ez life.

I didnt even get any votes all game.

Things Iā€™ve learned:

Mercenary is a traitorous asshole and thus I shall kill any I see.

Top 4 is not good enough

4th place doesnā€™t get a constellation prize for wasting their time.