Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

Are you evil?

I will fail for myself, and myself alone.
A pitiable existence.

I have redcheck on geyde What is your defense

Someone Who accepts they will fall Will always fall

when will the cop 9

Nah fam I am neutral.

Never, my role prevents that from starting

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But the truth must be known.
The masses need to realized the importance of memes.

They are the DNA of the soul, all encompassing and omnipotent.

Denying the memes of their power is the most grevious of mistakes.

My memes>your memes

I am but a saint.
Through my sacrifice the people will understand memes.

Or, yā€™know, just post a spicy meme without context.

Like this:

Arenā€™t memes justā€¦memes?

You seem like good people

A meme is an idea.
Rapidly transmitted and reproducing.

This is why meme formats exist.


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Thatā€™s a pretty meme.

Case in point.

My inq senses tingle,i sense heathens of the
descarga alliance nearby.
They must be exterminated for the memes

Iā€™m waiting for d2 where itā€™s revealed 10 people have died.

/in to that turbo