Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

There wont be that much killpower,and i recall seeing healers(lol NKs who heal)


Hi guys im the weakest role :slight_smile:

Guys Im selling alliances with Datbird all its gonna cost is one like and Iā€™ll trust you for the whole game


Are we somehow the same role?

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People identify memes as a source of relatability between people.
But how often do you associate a meme with an idea?

Look at one of the most popular memes in Yoshi Commits Tax Fraud.

This memeā€™s heart lies in the expression of a common sentiment with neither fact nor reason to back up its claim. People find it funny, and people without context will never understand the joke. Itā€™s a joke without a punch line, wherein the very concept is the reason for its existence.

Yes. Yes, we are. Mā€™twin


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How did three people roll the same role


I sell non-agresion pacts like this posts and we wont attack eachother


How did We all roll same class

Ok so I have three alliances all ready dw yall I got this

Its secretly NK mafia but everyone is a twin with a random counterpart twin

I got a decent class.

Ok boys

Get fireslol

This idea of getting fireslol is a meme

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I sell no NSFW pact like this post And I wont make NSFW jokes about you



As Queen Margaret

I dictate no female dies Day 1


I remember my class doing almost nothing last game and was gone pretty quick

Decent= Has killpower
Do we have occupiers?
(Ignore me i want to survive)

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