Neutral Showdown 2 - Shaman, Collector and Prophet win!

No duh. You can’t get STARS as a prize.

I want my gold star

I told you in advance I wasn’t getting you a heal and I suddenly become the DEVIL because of it?


@DatBird what was your reaction to getting Royal Guard twice in a row?

If there’s a third… you get you’re going to be a complete target right?

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Meteoro flaked on the team since they fell to Merc’s obvious manipulation

Don’t worry though bro!

You betrayed me in the first!

I shall protect you in the third!

I’m surprised not everybody went with Astand’s proposal D2 to completely blitz me


Exiled is just kinda boring

Also hey

Solic and I were gonna use you as our other source of killing until you basically committed yourself to die

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It can do some funny shit but that’s about it

Every time I used Clone, I lived in fear of someone PGOing me

I’m just gonna say

Shaman sucks

How did it win two games in a row

This game was a mechanical nightmare. There were so many interactions I didnt expect.

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Shiiiid I didn’t know the end of the night was in advance

You had some hours left and I never said “Ok, I’ll heal you”

i kill you all but hjas and gamerpoke


hjas and gamerpoke are the only epic people here

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