Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!


Fuck my phone


X+2=5 is an equation

I type that so much it autocorrected fml

K, I can agree with that one.

Heeeey programmer boys
more specifically my computer

Why what happened?

What is the error code or message sir Merc?

Have you tried to turn it off and on again?

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I wanted to dual boot Ubuntu on my familyā€™s computer but it only had one HD
On the installation window it asked me to split two things I donā€™t remember what they were but I think they were named partitions, oneā€™s name was vga/nba or something like that and the other was vgg/nbg or something like that
I split the first one and then I booted the PC again, but there was only an Ubuntu option
So I tried to boot my Win7 (yes I use win7 FITE ME FILTHY W10 USERS) pendrive but when it loaded, my keyboard and mouse stopped working. Reconnecting the mouse seemed to have effect, but the keyboard donā€™t and I require the keyboard to use the iso.

So Iā€™m stuck on this boy

did you take ubuntu from a computer that already had it installed?

Windows 7
And sorry, canā€™t help.

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My english teacher cloned it on a pendrive of mines
I could use it even if it wasnā€™t installed

Makes sense till that part.

My biggest problem is the keyboard not working
My friend told me they thought it was a deffective windows iso, Iā€™ll check out on getting another

Youā€™re using beaver?

I donā€™t even know what Beaver is




ubuntu 18

the other beaver