Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

The rest of the disk should be about 900 GB

I am but a smol Mac scrub.

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Are you willing to wipe your entire hard drive and reset?


For first, I would check the file formats of all partitions, later I would check grub settings.

Second is harder hence this order.

How do I do that?

find something resembling disk utilities on ubuntu or in the ā€œsecret menuā€ if windows has something like mac does

orā€¦ just write ā€œlsblk -fā€ in the console.

Will do it when I return to my parentā€™s home which should be friday
thx thx thx

I donā€™t doubt my father will already have called someone onto it by this far so letā€™s see

Or sometimes when I canā€™t solve something I backup all necessary files and then wipe and reset until it works


Fixing is more fun

although donā€™t do that if youā€™re short on time

Why is breaking things to deseperately search/ask others how to fix them so fun

If you remove searching / asking othersā€¦ it is.

it was (search)/(ask others)
if itā€™s something more specific as this one I usually ask
if itā€™s simple I search

I prefer to open man and figure it out by myself.

It tells me more how this stuff works.

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I-Iā€™m so newb to do thatā€¦

Dual booting is something I pretty much would do from a fresh machine only.

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Doing it on an unclean fucks up hardware and stuff

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Nightposting is cool :ok_hand:

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