Neutral Showdown - Solic, BlueStorm, Gamerpoke and Mathblade win!

When I saw the first night skip I thought someone was hunting Solic. I was right

I mean whatā€™s the point when your game devolves into a turbo rolemadness

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Itā€™s unstopppable

Itā€™s stopped by passive immunities or a dayvig on the Diplo timed right.

Youā€™d be surprised. We had to meticulously dodge around player immunities and make sure we were all on at the same time as well as the host being on at the same time as us.

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Solic just stop and accept your win lol

You know itā€™s not right

I mean Blue had 2+ extra limited use abilities and I had 1+ extra limited use abilities. You also could have gotten me out by just collecting me, since I was a public claim.

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Whats wrong with synergy?

Sorry Kitten

gives Scritches

itā€™s when synergy causes the game to go 10x speed

If I had been on I woulda poisoned Solic wouldnā€™t have had that many nights in a row

I mean the whole reason it worked as a concept in the first place was because we allied before the game even began, spawned as the right classes, and bumped into the right people.

When synergy prevents others from playing and makes the game go by literally 10x faster then thatā€™s when it becomes op

Especially when other players couldā€™ve stopped it if they were on, but were unable to be

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Iā€™m not complaning

Itā€™s a deserved win

This can be fixed by preventing the time mage from getting an extra use of skip the night and instead two uses of skip the day

The end

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We werenā€™t unstoppable

We were overpowered as a team.

Thatā€™s the case with activation based day abilities unfortunately yes.

I mean I think itā€™s as you said before

The issueā€™s not really with the Time Mage, itā€™s with the Diplomat being the fuel for the Time Mage.

I mean Bounty only has 3 uses. We could only do this 4 times with regular Diplo+Time Mage. With a day vigger on our side thatā€™d be 6 kills for complete coorperation and getting rid of all our safety nets. And that doesnā€™t even account for certain passive immunitiese like Gamer had as the Shaman.


now we stopped the fuel from spiraling out of control and instead gave time mage two uses of a day skip in compensation and now the games playable

To be fair, thatā€™s a lot more than others had considering we were able to 100% trust each other and know we could win with each other.