(neutral) The deranged

This Class Goal is to get exed by the prince.

Fooled You Passive

When exed by the prince he will lose his exes. And he will not be able to speak the next day due to shame for being fooled.

MadMan Passive

If the Prince Dies before n3 You will become a fool.

Day Ability 1:
TrollBox -Choose a target player and Whisper a short phrase into the troll box. It will appear as if that player said it.

Day Ability 2 :
Eavesdrop - Listen in on the prince’s talk with the prisoner.(The names will appear as Prisoner/Prince)

Night Ability 1:
Tease - Send a announces message to the court teasing them(just to mess with them/make prince more careful on who he exes

Night Ability 2 (Optional)


This is my first class I have made. I made this class cause I just got really annoyed with exe happy prince’s. I would like some feedback on this class and how can I make it better

prince dies n1

You suicide immediately when the prince dies. Difficulty over 9000


No…make it so prince either loses or all his exes or can’t eve for any nights.

well unfortunately I can’t say I’m a fan of this one. Fool itself is already a lose lose scenerio. Punishes BD for correctly determining that someone is working directly against them. Executing the fool has a punishment, leaving the fool alive is also punishing (as he takes a vote, and has no diesire to see BD win). So I can’t see a reason to favor removing the only good option.

Secondly, why would he use his night ability 1. The ideal strategy for this class would be to make BD think you are a fool (as obviously that’s what will drive suspicion high enough to make them want you dead but not want to kill you on the floor). Basically telling the BD that fool and scorned existing is unlikely (as you are taking up one of the neutral socials).

Will in what ways can I make this class better?

to me, there’s not much recoverable from it. I disagree with the premise. (there’s already an entire faction that punishes the prince from executing too hastilly, the entire BD).

  1. Putting a goal involving the princes executions… means you can lose as early as n1, but can’t possibly win until after n3.

  2. As I mentioned previously… the existance of the fool (which I already dislike the existance of as it punishes making the right call). But the very existance of a class that now also punishes the prince, means it’s a coin toss for how to try and get rid of anyone who just outright is acting blatently evil. I can’t think of a good result that comes from punishing BD for using a night kill on a class that is clearly not working with the BD.

So… if it loses any focus on prince… doesn’t punish BD for night kills (unless fool is removed, not that I like the idea of either existing), but you really can’t leave BD with a constant punished no matter what you do, lingering over their heads.

I can’t really suggest much, because what I’d consider the list of pure non-starters. Leaves us with the starting point of “3rd class with trollbox”.

Will thank you for the feedback

I suggest that if prince dies nights 1-2 where he cannot exe you become a fool.