This Class Goal is to get exed by the prince.
Fooled You Passive
When exed by the prince he will lose his exes. And he will not be able to speak the next day due to shame for being fooled.
MadMan Passive
If the Prince Dies before n3 You will become a fool.
Day Ability 1:
TrollBox -Choose a target player and Whisper a short phrase into the troll box. It will appear as if that player said it.
Day Ability 2 :
Eavesdrop - Listen in on the prince’s talk with the prisoner.(The names will appear as Prisoner/Prince)
Night Ability 1:
Tease - Send a announces message to the court teasing them(just to mess with them/make prince more careful on who he exes
Night Ability 2 (Optional)
This is my first class I have made. I made this class cause I just got really annoyed with exe happy prince’s. I would like some feedback on this class and how can I make it better