Neutrals I Support

Baron’s Ordain should be removed. It makes his presence way too obvious. Other than that I’d really like to see it in the game.

But the Baron doesn’t always want his presence to be known, so there’s an interaction there too

9/10 I’d want my presence hidden

I just can’t see anyone wanting to send the message “Hey, there is a Baron”

So it would be rarely used.

Oh I see, @orangeandblack5 how would you feel if Baron had a 1 use ability to kill the King?

Coup: (N) (1)
Attack the King tonight. Does not count as a visit.

Why not just attack anyone?

Could be helpful for removing some pesky royal bloods

Rarely used =/= bad

If you’re smart it can literally net you or an ally the kingship for free

All the benefits of killing royals with none of the giving a Neutral non-killing class the ability to kill people

Trader is super neat, though they should probably be out of the game after they lose.

what about revenant


It’s super fun…

…at first.

Once you lose to it a few times, that wears off.

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I’m ok with them comitting suicide if they go bankrupt

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We need more classes that turn into EK even if not Unseen/Cult.

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Why though?

And I need more Neutrals to support come on guys

I mean having a couple of classes turning into Eking is good but not that much