Neutral Killing
Passive-Soulless-You are immune to death once.
Passive-Unfair Acts-“Death Bet” won’t count if you killed them yourself.
Day Ability-Death Bet-Bet on 3 players to die. You will gain one soul for each of the 3 players that die the next night. Unlimited use.
Night Ability-Soul Surge-Spend souls to kill the same amount of players. Example-You spend two souls to kill two players.
Goal-Kill everyone that doesn’t need to to survive.
BD Support
Night Ability-Stock Up-Refill all of a player’s limited abilities. You can’t target the same player multiple times. 3 Uses.
Class-Thief (Converted Stocker)
Unseen Offensive
Passive-Sneaky-Observers cant see your visits. You can’t be seen by the Princess’s wisp
Night Ability-Shadow Steal-Steal one of each limited ability the player has. You will gain 1 extra use for each limited ability you steal. 2 Uses.
Goal-Unseen Goal