I was thinking that there could be a new unique Blue Dragon class called the musician. The musician would be a support who has 3 abilities. Each of these abilities are different songs that he can play at night and each one can only be used a limited amount of times, say 3 (or whatever feels reasonable) . The first song ability would be called Song of Worship. Song of Worship can refill an ability charge (if applicable) when played to another player. The next song would be called Song of Awareness. This ability would take a day to cast (so the night you use it would not be applied until the next night. It makes a person occupy immune for the rest of the game. This ability would probably have a limit of about 2 uses per game. The last song ability is called Song of the Dragon. This song alerts 2 or 1 random Blue dragon players (if there are any left) that there is a musician on their team. It also gives those two random blue dragons the number of the musician. This is great for late game when there are a few people left and you need to find out who you can trust. This ability is strong and can only be used once. The musician would also have a passive called duty calls which makes them occupy immune. To win as the musician, the Blue Dragon must win.
The converted unseen Musician is called the Minstrel. The unseen version will only have two abilities. The first one is Song of Distraction which occupies a player preventing them from taking any action that night (probably unlimited uses). The second would be Song of Deduction. This ability discovers what class a certain player is (two uses). Obviously to win the Unseen would have to win.
(I also had an idea for a day ability for the unseen version called Song of Distraction. This ability would prevent the prince from jailing anyone the next night (1 or 2 uses). Let me know what you think of this.)
Well that is what I came up with hope you guys like it and consider it for the game.If you want I can attempt to draw a character portrait. Let me know what you think of it and if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks for making this great game.