[New Neutral Class] Squire

The Squire a shield or arms bearer for their Mentor.

Since Neutrals are a hot topic now, I think it would be a great idea to introduce another Neutral Class. This unique (only 1 can spawn in the game) class has the ability to align with BD, Cult/Unseen or Neutrals. Heres how it works.



Passive - Immune to bleed/poison

Day ability none (Suggestions?)


Training (1st night ability) - Seek a prospective mentor (pick a number) and train with the selected individual. If the person is attacked or is attacking another member then you will align with that class faction.

Examples below:

Attacked Member: You will protect your mentor and take revenge on the attacker killing them instantly. You will align with the attacked member’s faction.

Attacking Member: You will empower the attacker to bypass immunity/heals and align with the attacking member’s faction.

No attacks: Nothing

Polish Armor (2nd night ability)

The Squire will have 4x uses of Polishing his Armor; this will allow the squire to be immune to attacks/death at night, sort of like the survivor vest in ToS.

So whats the point of a Squire?

When a Squire accomplishes by protecting a member or empowering an attacker they will automatically align with that player faction. So if the squire protects a BD they will align with the BD, if the empower a knight or hunter they will align with BD. If the squire trains with the assassin they will empower the assassin and align with the unseen/cult. If the squire empowers a NK they will align and stay neutral.

Once the squire aligns, the idea is to just survive because they have no more abilities for logs and will make it more challenging to determine in chat which should make this a fun class.

This can make the Neutral class really shine as what they are really meant to be, a neutral faction with the ability to choose a side.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Its like a merc and an alch had a baby, sounds pretty interesting. I would like to see how this would play in a game.

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Squire 2 electric boogaloo?

Sort of like the amnesiac role in ToS? I dig it

Yeah, except it’s not announced and faction-locked