New NK - The Methnor (Joke)

The Methnor - Neutral Killer :shield:
Win Condition: Asbuse all those who permanently oppose you.
Can’t Stop The Asbuse: Because you are a professional asbuser, you are night immune and occupy immune.
Day Abilities:
Asbuse: Kill a player, they will show up dead next night.
Night Abilities:
Asbuse Blackmail (2 uses): Take over the person you asbused at day for the night, you will asbuse them into targeting someone of your choosing.
Swap Asbuse (1 use): You will appear to be of the target’s faction tonight.

Credit to @Methnor for being such a good mod.

I should stop taking the joke too far…

More Cool Shit


We need this also Asbuse OP PLZ NERF.

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The Alfa
Passive-I AM YOUR MOM-Nobody wants to get their mom drunk or killed. So you are night and occupy immune
Passive-I have a dragon 0w0-You do not vist your targets.
Night Ability-Give Marshmallow some cookies and poision them. Killing them
Night Ability- OHH FADE-A dragon kills everyone who is night immune to your cookies.-1 use.

To op pl0z nerf

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Stop mod asbuse

Nerfing this is asbuse to methnor