Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

If the Neutral is agansit, we fucking lynch him (or in the Fool/Jester Case, Vig him). if they can win with town, they live and lynching or vigging them does count as killing townie, ergo myslynch. But, Neuts like to side with scum most of the time tbh, So its a subject thats kinda broad in this sense.

Optimally survivors should side with scum. If they are prolonging the game by trying to side with town, this just makes it more likely for them to get NKā€™d.


Then the Survivor is an idiot, and essentially throwing.

We donā€™t balance for those, and we donā€™t consider them at all in calculating the gamestate.

Iā€™m talking about Neutrals that doesn;t have conflicting objective with Town not Neutrals in general otherwise yes scum-allied Neutral isnā€™t a mislynch.

This is literally pure math

There is no logical argument against it without creating some arbitrary specific scenario, and thatā€™s missing the point

I mean, Thats a very subjective subject, and everyone has there opinions on it (As we see now).

Imo, its better to lynch scum, but Neuts in general should be a lynch to be considered, Especially later on in the game, if they will side with scum.

ā€œShouldā€ it doesnā€™t they canā€™t do that. Also implying Evils would waste their on Survivor rather than on like PR. :roll_eyes:


We donā€™t account for idiots throwing away an easier win


No? Itā€™s risky but that isnā€™t throwing.

@Twil1ight this doesnā€™t technically directly argue my point

But the math here is literally the exact same

Read it and then come back, please

They can easily lynch the last townie and win or prolong the game, giving scum a chance to NK them and get them to lose.

Wow. Because ā€œFunā€ doesnā€™t exists.

Good lordā€¦

You donā€™t balance around people being idiots just for ā€œfunā€

Those people get blacklisted


I dont consider a neut a myslynch though, unless they have an ability that can benefit town. Basically, they become Town`s bitch or die by Rope.

Ex: Livicus in Expansionist SFoL

Now youā€™re acting like douche, boy. Weā€™re talking about mislynches not hecking people that may not always do same shit.

A mislynch is literally a lynch of anybody that is Town-aligned

You are arguing that that isnā€™t the case, and third-party roles are mislynches just because somebody trying to ā€œhave funā€ can side with Town.

My point is a direct response to yours. ā€œHaving funā€ by vastly increasing the chances of your loss is literally just another way to explain gamethrowing.

Anyways I have an exam rn

But just read Elastoidā€™s thread please, he says everything Iā€™m trying to better than I ever could tbh

And hopefully all of the comments on it, theyā€™re generally helpful too :+1:

Not it you have way to prevent death or you already won
