Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

/execute order 66

Better here than prince exes.

He is our only paladin claim and if he isnā€™t real paladin there is guaranteed 1 paladin in game so they would have probably check paladin claim

Currently nobody is steping up with Cyan Check on them.

Prob cause they are scum tbh

Whatā€™s green check and cyan check? So I can understNd for latter games.

Would it even be wise for a possible second Paladin claim to step up at this point?

Eh. Since Blue Dragonā€™s color look like Cyan so iā€™m calling that. It just me calling things differently. KEK

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No so letā€™s execute them fellow Kanye townbloc member

I feel that the one slip that otb let out will be enough to see him executed today.


Also, if a real paladin tested techbin and they came up as cult, the paladin might not actually reveal themselves and wait for a while to see if otb would be upped anyway. No reason to out yourself if the court is suspicious of him in the first place, I can see a paladin stepping in, however, if techbin came up as ns last night.

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Lol thanks. I thought it was a universal forum games term or something

No, they should stay hidden as weā€™ve essentially lockscummed Tech/Bin.

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Evil queen not wanting guards to know who to target and letting the next Pala die.


Paladin should only step in during this trial if he found techbin to be ns.

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Or maybe because I donā€™t them to put a huge target on their backs for conversions/nightkills?


You implied here that you know a 2nd pala aka the real one exists.

Pala is no longer unique so thatā€™s not neccessarily incriminating, but good point

Letā€™s see where it will go. I hope we get some information about other potential scum.


From what I am seeing, OTB is accusing someone they found ā€œNSā€?