Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Exactly. So let’s execute them

Will day be shortened if he gets voted exe and lynched?


Not accusing. More like a hypothesis

The day will end if 8 players vote execute

/Execute T3 now?

In that case we shouldn’t rush too much with exe i think, are there people who didnt comment on situation yet?

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Unrelated question. How do we change colour of fonts?


at the start of what you want colored


at the end

Thank you.

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We have 5 execute votes right now, probably should wait a few hours so that people can comment on the situation, about 6 hydras haven’t commented I think

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What I mean, I am exeing tech for sure, but I dont want discussion to get shorter than it can because majority exe is reached.

Color codes count too right?
this looks good for a dying will

Bin I would start open wolfing now tbh, it might be the only fun part of this game

What’s open wolfing?

Basically outting as scum and memeing.

That’s something you really shouldn’t do in a game like FoL, ToL or any other…

Yeah but sometimes it’s fun for the person.

I mean feel free to do what you want. I opened claim inno and it got me exed.