Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

@Marluxion where are my results lmao

Pretty good

@Marluxion update title and OP

Was anybody sponsored last night? Checking so we can lock IssacPrime as BD

Not sponsored

I have no night results yetā€¦?

Anyways /vote Mole


/vote Moleland


Either Cult knew that was NK or you are Cult

/vote Moleland

I think you are a member of the Cult. Prove me wrong.

Meh, Iā€™d still like to see one of their bounties taking effect before locking them as BD. Their first bounty target was bad and the second one didnā€™t go through. The only players mechanically proven so far are you via the bleed, Luxy, and Livicus for obvious reasons.

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Ok. So I thought he would flip Hunterā€¦

So to not die to Hunter, I said to pardon him AND LYNCH ME DIRECTLY

Eroor.logic errorā€¦

Both have already been done before you typed this

Damnit Orange and Luxy I wanted a vote Mole Mole asks why train :rage:

Imma /unvote for that

This is the actual definition of LAMIST, really.

Then explain why I would say to unvote the Hunter as cult and say I should be lynched directly instead. Iā€™m waiting

So you can get a new convert perhaps?