Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

No they weren’t, I checked.

But I would die to Hunter’s arrow - Cult would be better off with a dead hunter. Fail

tbf it didn’t work

Hmmm, cult knew he wasn’t Hunter?

And I suppose you’re right

It is possible you’re Cult and you knew they were NK :thinking:

Then why did I vote him up if I knew he was NK?

Because you wanted Towncred

It was the first vote on them lol

As a way to shift the wagon onto them? You were essentially going to be the lynch yesterday hadn’t you done that.

That’s not how that works mate

For random following the Noble? :thinking:

Then why did I insist we pardon him after he claimed Hunter?

Eh, you have a point there.

But if you’re expecting to be lock town because you voted a hunter claim with you being the first vote on the wagon and suggesting they lynch you instead, think again.

But the only way I could have known he wasn’t Hunter was if I knew he was NK from the start of the day.

Your Prince is back from the grave

So let’s presume you are correct and you had no idea

Why was the wagon against you so dead?

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You can jail the Merc if you want btw

Neuts out