Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

also we may not have a healer

considering there’s a dead alch

it only bypasses immunity, not heals

A heal is all you need… It’s not a reaper game, and I doubt an enforcer is there.

@GamerPoke Heal Livi or else

no don’t heal me heal red

1 Like

Oh yeah heal red oops

or @GamerPoke choose one of us to heal (prefwrably red) if both of us die

well then

Swaps must not happen today.

Livi you feel ok with pretty much suicide bombing Wolfy or Luxy if you can do that.

So much this.

I also find it odd that Luxy claims Maid after I believe Luxy pushes Wolfy to check for your princess blood.

I really think Wolf Luxy Noz are the three unseen

I already checked wolfy

I’ll check you or Luxy tonight

I shall experience tranquility in my home hoping that I’m not charged

If Wolfy is MM they know who the electro is or that it is in the game as they threatened me with it incorrectly.

And Wolfy said he used a day action and where are the results?

Give them some time I believe.

K I am going to bed. Good night

Yeet who want to discuss more shit at 2 AM

Hold up.

Hol’ Up
Bleeding. BLEEDING

I have two days anyway

Sound the alarms

Bleeding was from 2 hours ago
I should have realised it sooner

Bleeding came after the whole discussion.