Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Welcome to NFoL 1! (Newbie Forum of Lies)

Hosted by Marluxion, Queen_Alfa and Ashe!

Newbie Forum of Lies?

For the first 48 hours of the thread opening, ONLY players who have never played in a forum of lies game may join! The host and co-host will also be readily avaliable to answer any questions you may have about Forum of Lies!

After 48 hours have passed, the floodgates open and any players may join. Other than that, this is effectively a classic forum of lies game!



Days will be 3 IRL days long, or shorter if someone dies
Nights will be 1 IRL day long
Actions are done by messaging me
Unseen/Cult will talk through a special Discord server
Priest will speak with the dead through a separate Forum PM Chain
All classes will be used, and will be used as they are found in the Class Cards Thread
When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it


To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]”
Once a player reaches a majority of the accusations, they are put on trial.
Trials last 24 hours (ended early if Majority is reached on execute or pardon (or the king decides their fate))
Trials do not extend the day.


Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want


  1. overthebin
  2. GamerPoke
  3. judekat - The Alchemist - Died Night 2
  4. Solic - The Knight - Died Night 3
  5. Shurian
  6. MathBlade
  7. omfgcookies
  8. Luxy
  9. redrabbit
  10. Icibalus :crown:
  11. NozBugz
  12. Bazingaboy - The Assassin - Executed Day 3
  13. PoisonedSquid - The Court Wizard - Died Night 1
  14. Livicus - The Princess - Died Night 3
  15. Wolfy - The Mastermind - Vanished (Executed) Day 4
  16. Firekitten - The Fool - Executed Day 2

Backups: Sam17z, Insanity, Shurian, Icibalus, NozBugz


Start of Day 1 - All hail King Captain!
Start of Day 2 - PoisonedSquid was found dead!
Start of Day 3 - Judekat was found dead!
Start of Day 4 - Solic and Livicus were found dead!
Start of Day 5 - No one has died?


i’ll probably /in this later on so consider me an experienced guide
this is definitely a good idea

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Can i be good co-host ?

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/in :smiley:

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Im a noob still /in


I promise I’m a new player


Make an alt account ez

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sorry, I think I may already have a co-host.
I’ll post an announcement here if they dont want to co-host tho :thinking:

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Do I have permission to invite as many people as I can.

Otherwise I don’t see many new people tbh

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I mean
That’s fine
I was also planning on advertising this in the FOL discord a bunch


Don’t force people to play who dont want to play tho :wink:
We dont want activity becoming a problem


Alright then if they don’t wanna be co-host i am co-host.Deal ?

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The thing is that FOL server doesn’t have that many new people and I can probably blackmail 2-5 people to joining this

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Cough NAO Cough


You’re still relatively new to FOL tho, aren’t ye captain? I figured you’d want to /in to play here

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ToL* server

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But my mission shall start in 3 hours.

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But you said if they didn’t play any fol tho.I played it fol at least once so.I can in later maybe

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Just wait until fifteen hippo alts join.