Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Sad. :confused:

WIFOM your heals (randomize), or scum will just not attack the one you’re healing.

@Sam17z @Icibalus Captain’s King spot is up for grabs. First one to replace in gets it.

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This quote just tells me wolfy did not read anything right

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Fits with defeated MM. Honestly.

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I did read. As I said, confused Luxy and you.

But right now, the issue is the comapatibility between me and Luxy. He cannot be Maid at all. Click on the arrow on the little bit I quoted from Math. Takes you to the maid services results.

That still isn’t right, if you really read what I said, you would know what my plan was and that I did heal Solic

Here’s the full results. Noz claimed maid, so means compatible.
However, me and Luxy are not.


How does the interaction work with MM and Maid before day 4?

/sub in

wolves are now doomed.


Or saved? :eyes: haha

@Marluxion i’ve subbed in by the way

Icibalus has subbed in for Captain.


Right then…

breathes in heavily

Someone give me their take on the situation as it is right now while I read up.

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I just woke up and need to catch up myself

We have three Maid claims

A healer claim GamerPoke
A Sheriff claim redrabbit
A I should be really obvious but apparently not to scum claim in myself
A squire claim that withstood a CC from a fool

An unknown Electrocutioner that is likely getting four deaths

And the above is before I went to bed last night

The issue with Luxy’s claim as maid is explained in Noz’s service.

Me and him are not compatible. That can mean he is the NK or another neut trying to stay hidden behind an investigative class

Fucking obvious bin was the prince damn it :confused:

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Also, you no longer have a decide fate as Captain used it

Sorry left off Livi princess