Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Well… I’m not.
Just waiting.

I guess at least confirm you didn’t occ solic last night. It’s sorta a lynch pin in Wolfy mm.

I gave everybody ample time to come clean about that.

I’m pretty sure that Mastermind is occupy immune tbh

Of course I didnt touch Solic, was he there near the moments of the day when I replaced in?

At least, I dont remember so.

MM is occupy immune

@omfgcookies could you post the non-mechanical reads that I asked you for please?

discussing mechanics is all very well but we might as well try to out wolves with other methods.


Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Luxy Nozbugz, Wolfy 2/4
bazingaboy Shurian 1/4
1 Like

I am not the electro bro you dumb apes

Also our king is evil

I’d rather not open claim as it reduces the effectiveness of my class. And my logs are hella sus :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

How is asking for reads and claims evil?

No no this is a meta read



with both Sheriff and Prince outed, I doubt there’s anything that’s worth hiding

I’m butler then

Who did you occupy last night?

I occupied mathblade both nights

And why would you do that?

They could be a neutral killer or assassin, only one death when I did it

But mainly because he annoyed me :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses: