Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

hold on

wait what

Luxy you have some explaining to do

Livi you just now realize this?

Scroll up lol

If MM shows up as BD for first three days, they would be compatible, righr?

not if they were both Unseen I believe. if one of them is MM with end of D3 and the other is assassin, they would show non-compat

the thing I donā€™t understand is why Luxy would claim third maid, as scum you would want to stay clear of cc

which makes me think Luxy could be town and maybe we have a scorned or something


But Luxy might also be WIFOMing us so he could be scum too

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Honestly I doubt Electro would go for this play, itā€™s more like Noz is scorned.

@Livicus opinion on Bazingaboy?

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He didnā€™t go for a play he got caught by claiming maid itā€™s clear as day and a high IQ player like yourself should know that. Stop second guessing yourself

Can we agree that Bazing is electro tho?

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biggest candidate for electro agreed

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I mean, itā€™s not like I can vote hereā€¦

I just donā€™t see why an electro would claim maid if they didnā€™t have to. It just feels more like a scorned play, especially as his check just seems pulled out of his ass.

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my best skill, pulling shit out of my ass :stuck_out_tongue:


I guess he thought wolfy was evil and claiming maid would give him BD credit?

Yay! Newb me isnā€™t entirely horrible! :slight_smile:

Be back in a few hours


Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Luxy Wolfy 1/4
bazingaboy Shurian, NozBugz, GamerPoke, 3/4
No Vote Cast @Icibalus, @overthebin 2

why include Ici on that?

Heā€™s the only player who can still vote without a vote cast

ah, nvm bin is also