Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

I am being bullied! Help!

Seriously XD I have a fuck ton of crumbs. Good luck pushing me as electrocutioner

Darn it
Marl has succumbed to the sleep spells.

weak sauce :smiley:

Youā€™reā€¦ gonna use that? Are you absolutely sure?

thick skin seems to be a rarity nowadays

I wasnt there at that point of time but I didnā€™t think too highly of you when you went full scum read mode on random posts.

Well I do appreciate it butā€¦ it doesnā€™tā€¦ just doesnā€™t match up in my gut.

Shushie Noz Youā€™re a slurpie.

Bite me

More crumbs :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve figured it out.

@Icibalus force pardon me or paradise shall be lost

my slot wasted force pardon earlier, and even then I have no intention of pardoning a wolf.

Do tell.

Because I am intrigued by what looks like flail

Fate Voters Number of Votes
Execute Nozbugz, Icibalus, 2/4
Pardon 0/4

C-Can I?

Also the more MathBlade posts the less I trust himā€¦
Itā€™s like

ā€œHey look at what I said before, theyā€™re legit and demeaning so lets show you and remind you again!ā€

Personallyā€¦ I donā€™t like this.

So bin. Please do make the correct choice. Iā€™ll put my execute now.

king already used decide fate. Pay attention next time you make a demand

Do not heal me today.

I believe you are Hunter.

Any healers out there, do not heal me tonight. I will not be a target of a kill. Nor will I die tonight.

In that case @Icibalus you are forgiven for gamethrowing by executing me