Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!


That feels like a I am converted or I am electro claim from Shurian.

Like seriously me providing concrete evidence of my claim before anything happened should actually reaffirm what everyone else here sees.

Okay so then explain how your check isnā€™t bullshit then.

Yeah I still dont know where Math claimed

And I have no power to find it yet

MM shows up as BB first three nights.
Therefore he wouldnā€™t be compat with Unseen.

Soft claim indicates Hunter. Correct.

The first way to confirm yourself howeverā€¦ is the riskiest. MathBlade may be attacked if I went according to this plan.

I am fine with dying if it guarantees no four electrocutioner deaths

Plus itā€™s day three I could bear form if I didnā€™t wolf today which I havenā€™t.

I would much rather let Wolfy do his thing
Lynch Bazinga
Jail Shurian

Wolfing someone literally confirms you.

I was bled today. As there are only 2 classes that bleed during dayā€¦

Hunter. And Assassin.
You will be confirmed as there is a second bleed.

Iā€™ll take the bleed

Butā€¦ you will most certainly be attacked the next night.

Yes I could confirm myself depending upon which nights I bear formed or didnā€™t. That confirmation ability doesnā€™t magically go away ever. I am still hunter and will Be tomorrow.

However IF I bear formed last night then I canā€™t wolf today.

And yes that is an IF.

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Lemme guessā€¦ you bearedā€¦

Urghā€¦ >_<

I still believe that jailing and exeing Wolfy gives the most info to work off of the next day

Absolutely not

Lynch Bazinga
Jail Shurian

Noz is scorned or Unseen
Wolfy MM

I just need to figure out the third.

We will NOT execute Wolfy tonight if he is jailed

MM has to be lynched day4 + or there is a new MM

Executing N3 Wolfy is dumb

My guess is Noz is unseen

And why am I scorned or Unseen? Iā€™m trying to lead BD here :roll_eyes:

As I explained before your check just doesnā€™t work. Your maid check and Luxyā€™s necessarily mean that one of the two of you has to be lying.

Why am I the one lying? back your shit up

See here