Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

well at least for ToL it won’t be as restrictive

Newbies: if you haven’t already looked at the list of FoL classes, here is the link. Super important to review before the game starts! There are unofficial, fan-made classes in this game that are not present in the computer ToL game.


translation: Maid is the greatest class ever invented who can singlehandedly carry an entire failing BD


I looked at them I am just scared I am gonna newb like hard :confused:

Maid needs to have matchmake nerfed to checking one person a night, and comparing them to the last person they checked. As a balancing thing, allow royals to be compatible.


My mod colour is literally just pan flag colours merged into one horrific being.


@Marluxion @Marcus_Doodalee

No I understand that, but I’m referring to his “hide” ability which makes the fool hide from all visits instead of being death immune like the new version in-game. The sheriff scout ability is also the old version where it tells you if they’re converted instead of just visited. Are these the correct abilities that the forum uses or has that thread just not been updated?

Also my name is not on the signup sheet even though I was one of the first to signup

They are correct.It is exactly like how it says.

Correct abilities
Also, oops I missed your in
It’s fixed now

Cool thanks! One final question: When people are occupied does it say “occupied” (old version) or “prevented” (new version). That’s pretty important for fake claiming and I don’t want to accidentally out as scum with bad logs :slight_smile:

It says prevented only for investigatives classes if I remember correctly. If you aren’t Investigative you won’t know if you were prevented/occupied at night.

Oh that makes sense

Yep, FOL runs a minimal night results style of game so non investigative classes can’t hard prove themselves

You only get feedback if you are an investigative
You aren’t told if you are attacked, even. Only if you die
You aren’t told if you successfully healed anyone or anything like that
You aren’t told if you are occupied, so you have to try your best to socially deduce the evils :smile:


I heard that the nerfs to BD aren’t enough that they may consider not telling you you died.


Make Mystics unconfirmable, please.

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How does drug work if you don’t know if you were attacked?


see this is why we need new people lol^^^

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Just make a ninja rework. EZ

Is there a whisper mechanic or can we just pm people or no outside chat?


There is not outside pm