Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Electro is a neutral killer…
And @MathBlade bleed me. I’ll get the second notification.


Look at this and your response

Ah darn it

Fate Voters Number of Votes
Execute Nozbugz, Icibalus, Shurian 3/4
Pardon 0/4

1 vote until hammer

well we’re sitting ducks

14ish hours until the end of the trial.

Overthebin don’t jail Wolfy. Mm can’t do anything with full team.

Jail second most likely electroboy.

It’s 100% Wolfy MM, Noz ass/handmaiden, Luxy Maid. Noz wants Wolfy jail/exe tonight to get new mm.

I think bazingna most likely electroboy not sure on second most likely though.

Don’t hammer until overthrbin can switch his jail.

Overthebin don’t even tell us who you jail.

I dont want to believe its MathBlade
But a lack of a confirmation (apparently he beared last night) makes me believe he can be the…

We could just have bazinga VOTE UP MathBlade!


Wait if Luxy is BD maths has to be. Wolfy shows up BD and wouldn’t compatibility electro.

Its a 3-way. And we have the NK among us (or so it seems.)

If we were to lynch bazinga, the prince (to kill the electrocutioner) will be flipping a coin toss. I don’t like tosses. So I’ll say.

Bazinga votes up MathBlade, our hunter.

Cookies check someone tonight, I’m bleeding and omegalulling.

There is a liar between Noz and Luxy. Find out who. @omfgcookies

I’m against this plan, because we don’t have the activity to pull it off in time.

And if you are pardoning Bazinga, there is no way to force him to vote Math, since he can’t be voted up again.

Urgh… the activity…

Wait… majority is 4 for a 5 player pard/exe?

I’m confused.

/execute then.

Even so I still like the Hunter Arrow NK lynch (less room for doubt)

This is more rewarding but more risky.

Second most likely is Shurian. In fact the freak out has me worried.

I don’t think Luxy is the third but that theory is possible.

Mainly I want to see the flips.

Yep. Exactly where I have been lol

Like it’s literally impossible for me to be electrocutioner lol

If Prince jails me which I hope they would

It is a protective one

The only way to stop the discharge right now is to kill the electrocutioner, pretty sure occ doesnt stop them

They have to use a night power and survive until end of night.

If we go with the Jail Shurian route and Bazinga isn’t electrocutioner Prince executes Shurian