Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

The thing is I got no type of notification whatsoever in regards to poisoning Ici

So maybe… I should make my liner less memey?

However, I want nobody to heal me. Any Physiician claims that claim to heal me are lock wolf.

even without notifiications, we can still confirm Shurian if I gaurd myself tonight.

Theres only one healer claim and thats GamerPoke
Whos most likely converted >_>

Well I die tonight LOL


Nightshade Wine (Day) - Poison The King, causing him to die in two nights if not healed. If the King is Good, you will commit suicide. - 1 use, available starting Day 4

Assume a Butler exists
Assume it is day four
Assume the king is still alive
Assume Butler attempts to poison the king

  1. Would the king get a notification
  2. Is the king is good when would the butler commit suicide?

Then no.
My action has been processed.

I know you guys answered I want to hear it from Ashe.

For the second question
After king flips. Then if Good, seppuku

@Ashe senpai


AFTER the king dies and flips good


The King would get a notification, and the Butler would commit suicide at the same time the King died from the poison.

edit: tfw marl too quicc


So then this is still a 1v1 it seems

As King claims not to get it
And Shurian claims to have poisoned
And Mod says King would receive notification?


no, sorry guys
I missed the notification… Shuri’s clear

Did you know how hard I was sweating back there

When you said notification wasnt there

This is odd…

I was stupid confused.

I also presume its because Marl’s doing all the handiwork

don’t ask how much of a dingus I am to make that mistake, but I did
then again I have duplicated a man, made the same child be born from 3 different people, added various haiku-based mechanics and made the wolves faction called the Magical Girls, so nothing should really surprise me


What are the odds this is evil king covering for Electro?