Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

I don’t get what you are asking me.

And here.

I specifically was okay not to be barriered.

Scum killed squid, my guess is that it’s a unseen game and the NK, could be a Druid/electric

Those two posts are a direct contradiction to here.

I still don’t actually get what you are asking me. Squid barriered you because they probably thought that scum would try converting you.

Oh, it’s WIFOM. Basically if I said it scum wouldn’t go for you and they would try to convert someone else, squid just didn’t WIFOM the scum.

Druid/electric aren’t any of the cards here.

It’s a open setup. There’s 16 cards here. None of them from my search on mobile have Druid or electric in them.

But they are actually in the FOL class card thread, those are the updated cards.

Then what is your explanation for the night actions scum took?

So far I am rather unimpressed with “oh wait this class that doesn’t exist exists”

I don’t care what is in the Fol Class card thread.

I care about what is linked in the first post as the cards in THIS setup

But it actually does…it’s the FOL class card thread. Basically I think it’s a unseen game, cause cult would tried converting instead of killing this early, it could be a cult and a NK that actually kills good but I doubt it.

This is NFOL all the cards from FOL are used in here. It’s literally in the OP the class card section.

From the first post

This is what the game is using.

There is no Druid?

Oh you were suppose to scroll down, scroll down. There are a lot more classes

Searching on mobile is shit.

How do I unaccuse? I still FoS you but not sure if it warrants an accuse.

Who do you think would be culted?

There are a lot of new people, depending On if new people got it or the vets it would be different

New people almost undoubtedly would try to convert a good player imo. While a vet would probably go for a new player since the hassle of barriers aren’t worth it, and try to teach them how to not scumslip.

/unaccuse FireKitten

No clue if I did that right

So then you’re saying new + old in a unseen no matter what?

Okay so progress if it is an Unseen game.

What about the “Cult” called Cult?

One night kill is still rather odd. In my few games of the pc I have played either bodies hit the floor or none.

It’s either a unseen game and the NK is a slow killer or hit a immune, or it’s a cult game and the NK killed someone.

Imo, it’s the unseen game as I doubt a NK would go for a kill like that early

Why aren’t you considering killer neutrals?

Unseen recruit or cult recruit + Neutral kill was an argument you made before. Why discount it now?