Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Nahhh Solic can go in my outer rim.

Also he didnā€™t know squire wasnā€™t death immune

Went over that. I donā€™t think he is scorned.

I donā€™t think squire you makes a play for king like that especially with how you were posting d1.

mostly the play for king and overall i donā€™t know the gut feeling i get is just fishy from fk

Which makes him fool or a person with bad memory so fool both ways.

also cookies claimed to not know squire was unique either so itā€™s not too far out for that to be a genuine oversight

So basically we have this

Firekitten: Scummy play for king.

Cookies: CCs FK and didnā€™t know the class he was claiming was immune.

I think Cookies very likely could be fool.


a) Firekitten wanting to become evil/psycho king
b) Firekitten hoping to be counter claimed as fool
c) Firekitten actually squire that hates their class who wants to risk killing (655) good king and cookies is the fool/scorned

Am I missing a possibility?

edit: replaced redrabbit with cookies

Canā€™t say Cookies is experienced enough to gambit
Yet inexperienced enough to forget the role gambiting about.

That is a contradictory statement for scorned

So he is fool or scum or canā€™t remember shit

M8 I felt entirely useless as squire, literally that was the best play imo.

Also what do you mean I wouldnā€™t post like that as squire


@bazingaboy redrabbit isnā€™t scorned, cookies is suspected as being that.

how am I scorned now? i never initially accused FK or even voted him up to begin with, i just said if weā€™re voting between FK and cookies i pick FK

Alright fixed I keep doing that

Youā€™re forgetting cookies CC and not sure what redrabbit has to do with anything?


Can scorned have Squire as target?

Yeah I just wrote his name accidentally because he was posting and accusing FK I thought he was the counterclaim

I think Bazinga just overlooked it considering he has done this previously

Exactly that. If you feel boring/useless you donā€™t waffle around on wagons youā€™d have it out for the king. That have it out for the king only came up when a Wolfy was inevitable.

yeah I agree, the timing was super fishy as well

This doesnā€™t make sense, any experienced player can scumslip.
I think he is experienced enough to gambit IMO.