Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

I only said tonight, just dont heal them for the night

when exactly did solic claim bleeding? it was towards the beginning of the day right?

If and When you give me reason to I will. Not a moment sooner.

Trust is earned from me.

Im not trying to earn anyones trust, Just listen to meh for the night

@MathBlade @GamerPoke @omfgcookies

Top 3 town go

Cookies post first so you canā€™t copy people.

Luxy, Math, and umm idk

I said Cookies post first :angry:

I didnā€™t think about FK being potential fool when I said exe me and cs them. That wouldnā€™t be a good trade for us compared to FK being NK.

I did know my class wasnā€™t death immune. FK hadnā€™t confirmed squire yet when he said death immunity. Then I jumped the gun once I saw them actually claim and reread the card to see the shield.

Do we think FK would bait with death immunity -> squire claim to get fool lynched?

At me again when youā€™re ready for my answer please

I mean I only gave 2 people so they can say the third person themselves

I will reread your iso and listen to what it says overnight. That I assure you.

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@omfgcookies top 3 town

Literally we can do the exact same scenario with lynching cookies instead

Cookies has more of a chance of being a fool than you do.

Cookies ran away :frowning:

Still, heā€™s confirmed scum In my eyes.

The one problem here is that if FK is squire, we would want him to become a CW.

He wouldnā€™t do it anyway if he is at this point. He said the class was boring. If he was gonna do that and is town this whole debacle never happens.