Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Wait that is a day action so Prince has to decide preflip so Prince has to send that in now yeah?

If so then Prince needs to make sure to see this and be on Cookies

Prince is a bit special, so I’m not sure.


Can you clarify day abilities and trials?

I’m totally just as good :eyes:

For day abilities, they’re like night abilities except you use them at day :^)
However, they generally act immediately on use (or with some delay) rather than at the end of the phase.

As for trials: once a player reaches majority, instead of being executed immediately, they are put on trial. Trials last 24 hours or until the end of the day, whichever is sooner (a trial will not extend the day). While a player is on trial, they can provide a defence, and players can vote to /execute or /pardon. The King can also decide a players fate by using their day ability, causing a player on trial to be executed or pardoned based on their choice alone. Players will know that the king did this.


But are day abilities useable during a trial in general and specifically Prince Jail?

I’m not sure if it’s a general rule but I’m 99% sure Prince can at least, yeah


^ can confirm Ashe’s statements


So then sounds like Wolfy is full of shit on the Maid ability and ergo is scum

So Wolfy and Kitten therefore need to die as they are likely scum together

So Fire Kitten and Wolfy scum?

But are they scum of the same cloth is the next question.

Firekitten has been very flipfloppy on the Wolfy vote. (Way more than I have been with just a single small flip fyi)

i’d agree w that yeah
and as others have said, the king play trying to draw away attention

/vote Firekitten We have trials anyway. I think Cookies is town, ergo Firekitten must be scum.

so we ARE getting a trial today! :smiley: cool

Do you think they are scum of the same cloth? Or scum of different natures?

Firekitten has been brought to trial.


Do I have to wait for Fk to give a defence or I can still talk?

This reaction looks way too forced looking back. It feels like wolfy is trying to fake frustration with the Kitten slot versus actual frustration.

99% sure you can still talk, not sure about voting for execute or pardon though, Marl will probably say tho

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I’m close to 50/50. It’s hard to say with their limited interaction. Doing associations pre-flip is kind of useless anyways in my opinion.

This is pretty much the entire game. Lolz.

Post flip it’s all wine. Preflip before the wine you see reactions. Throwing out as many associations while staying on point (e.g. Wolfy in my case) helps to see those patterns later. It’s why being strongly focused, is so good.

Because I think FireKitten makes a play to be king here to distract from Wolfy scum.