Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

you’re not wasting

it’s pressuring

No, it’s not, Redrabbit is legit scummy. :eyes:

that is also a high possibility


My vote will bring this (scum newbie) to trial.

I just wanna hear on her.

there has to be 4 votes on red, you’d be the 2nd

why are you so hesitant to vote her Shuri

ISOing her didn’t give anything conclusive. I also agree that unless there are decisive actions or slips on d2, it would be hard for-

Wait. omfgcookies’ vote doesn’t count?


so we pressure her to make her talk and see if my check aligns

/vote redrabbit
You cheeky little shizzles cookies

cookies’ vote doesn’t count

1 Like

I was thinking that I would bring her to 3 votes already

Solic, cookies, and I all accused Litten

so our votes don’t count today


I’m just some kind of tool for you guys…

I like Livi’s idea. And if he turns up town, this would help.

/vote redrabbit Talk!

Also, Solic, can you see if you were healed or not?

okay now stop voting her

she’s at L-2

That feedback is not given.


or maybw just one more vote

So if I die tonight, I know I wasn’t healed. :smiley:

My plan has been chopped