Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

redrabbit has been pardoned by The King. They may not be brought back to trial today.


So noz confirmed scum? Should have let it go longer lol.


@Luxy I would like a claim from you.

Votes have been reset, majority is still 4.

I did this to see if someone is going to resist to pardon and apperantly nozbugz did it.

Why the hell would you pull that stunt Captain if not for town credit?

I’m just glad your decide fate is gone…

BiG mOvEz tM

I’m fine with voting up Noz. I’ll be gone for around 12 hours now.

DO NOT end the day without Wolfy giving out his results.

Time to vote real scum here.Why did you resist to pardon after all my threats ? /vote NozBugz

Accused Voters Count
NozBugz Captain 2/4

there was no point you massive donk. If it was 3/4 to pardon I would in a heartbeat.

How can it get to 3/4 if nobody votes :thinking:

To steal a quote from Wolfy, reading is fun. You should try it

Ok /unvote . My vote is putting someone on trial immediately so i would like to wait for Wolfy’s results.

How can it get to 3/4 if nobody votes? :thinking:

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Are you high or idiotic? I was saying “IF IT WAS at 3/4 to pardon I would vote Pardon.”

There is literally no reason for you to have waited there…