Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

so Wolfy, Noz, and Luxy all claim Maid

I’m going with my N1 check

Wolfy must be MM

try to persuade me otherwise

I wonder.
What shenanigans will happen if I ask all 3 to check me for RB.

Now, use your damn heads. I trust i haven’t been gone long enough for them to stop working

@Marluxion what’s the max cap for an individual class? 3 or 2?

Nozzy-The Prince-Executed Day 2

Or so I’ve heard

It’s 2. There it’s 100% a scum in me, Wolfy and Luxy. I think it’s wolfy and Luxy. But hey, what do I know


But its also gives us info on Livi / Maths.

Wolfy - claims compat between Livi / Noz.
Noz - claims non-compat between Luxy / Wolfy.
Luxy - claims compat between Wolfy / Maths.

Nice stating the obvious.

I so wish I could vote rn

Sometimes it takes that to have people wake up. Luxy and Wolfy are scum. I’ll gladly die for me to be proved right

We need to hear wolfy’s results from day ability.

That comes in EOD.

He did it yesterday.


Two for non unique classes, one for unique

got you


Well well
And guess where I wanna go with first?

Lets roll shall we?
/vote Luxy