Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

hes at L-2. I think hes fine where he is

If Bazinga isnā€™t electro Shurian surely is
Imho that is a 1v1

The wolves are revising their statements to cover themselves already ā€“ very nice

I just donā€™t see. World where Shurian isnā€™t.

i feel like I might forget to reapply my vote if I unvote now, so Iā€™ll keep it firmly planted where it is for now.

Isnā€™t butler*

Phone cut off sorry

thats what this game is, changing pieces in an ever changing puzzle until it clicks or you run out of time

Also Ici Iā€™m 100% not unseen so be happy

Iā€™ll die tmr night so its okay

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@Shurian @Icibalus I still am awaiting where that balancing bit is that says 1 Neutral killer

Priest senpai revivu me plesu

(Joke post btw)

itā€™s a given in the setup to be quite honest, itā€™s so obvious to most people we wouldnā€™t actually see it as being needed to be written down.

But just in case:

@Marluxion @Ashe @queen_Alfa how many NKs are there per rand of FoL? (how many NKs per game)

Personally I have never seen a double NK in a FoL setup.

I am new to the setup. When I played ToL for the first time last week there is a chart in the upper right that says things. I donā€™t remember what is in that chart and if that chart would apply to this rand here

Want to know if thereā€™s another one of you, huh? Or feigning ignorance?

I honestly have no idea what this post means bazinga >_>



1 Prince
1 Sheriff/Paladin
8-10 random Blue Dragon
1 Mastermind/Cult Leader
1 Assassin/Random Cultist
1 Neutral Killer
1-3 Ohter Neutrals

its a valid setup question. Getting desperate much?

He wants to know if another neutral killer can kill him

Me neither it is almost 01:00 / 1 am for me


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