Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

It’s an attack (despite the confusing wording).


I like mod answers to questions like those as they can’t answer in a biased way. :slight_smile:

I like to think that Emerald Potion is thrown like a grenade that kills whoever it hits with poison that seeps into the skin.

Actually it’s a plague attack :^)

that’s only if I rand alchemsist and you know it



So I beared and killed the Alchemist is most likely answer then if Shurian is town. Also possibility of Scorned or Shurian being occupied but those are a stretch.

If Shurian is electro then either bear or scum NK.

The question becomes why was I a threat to the Alchemist?

I dont know any logical answers
I only know meme answers… at least

Its called yolo bomb

Because heal self is… weird.
I dont think you can target yourself anyway

You were seen as a threat likely because they realised you were experienced after day 1. So, the Alchemist decided to take you down to endear themselves to the wovles.

Either that or they thouhgt you were a wolf.

abilities can’t self-target unless explicitly stated
that means that the Emerald Pot was almost certainly used that night.

I’ll leave explanations to you I’m a crappy explainer


It looks like we are in a TvT from hell. How about I give you benefit of the doubt you are Butler today, you give me benefit of doubt I am hunter (which I am)?

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Because Judekat’s death can only be explained by a hunter bear

That is the only possible explanation anyway

TvT ecks dee fun 3:

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So… lets see…
Wolfy… Luxy… Nozzy… Gamerpoke…


Because I occupied the assassin and no way for them to get a kill off

Yeah mainly you’ll be solved tonight

Has Physician healed anyone ever? I think they claimed to heal Solic?

I would love to have been right on my GamerPoke vibe
I also wanna know if Cookies is good or bad too.

Solic is dead
From CS or Poison we dont know

Only possible scum are Icibalus, GamerPoke, Luxy, Noz, Cookies
Wolfy likely confirmed

Noz check was Luxy/Wolfy returned not compatible so if Noz town then Luxy electro must be a thing or Luxy scum a thing

If Noz Electro then he survives everything including CS
If Noz scum he doesn’t
Noz Electro most likely then

So then Icibalus GamerPoke Luxy and Cookies possible conversions last night.

Noz Electro Luxy scum convert N1/N2 also a possibility in which case I think Luxy becomes assassin or no?

Where is the scum nK?