Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Wolfy Nozbugz, Shurian, Luxy, Icibalus :crown: 5/6

Why isnā€™t Wolfy getting uppedā€¦?


Hammer to trial lol.

/vote Wolfy Eeekk

Wolfy is now on trial. You may now vote to decide his fate. The trial will go on for 24 hours or until majority has been reached.


Myyyy name is


/Kill em

You forget I replaced in an inactive

Fate Voters Number of Votes
Execute Icibalus, Shurian, GamerPoke 3/6
Pardon 0/6

I would rather see your flip to confirm me and Ici and then have GamerPoke be a forced NK if they want to kill prince or Sheriff later

Wolfing Cookies now

Yes you did.

Doesnā€™t mean you arenā€™t the electrocutioner and lied about N1 not submitting.

Electro has to be in you Cookies or Luxy

Gamer Poke is the only way redrabbit is alive

Cookies is wolfed and therefore wonā€™t get an electrocute off

We can lynch you tomorrow and Prince jail and exe Luxy if you flip Maid.

Then assuming Wolfy flips Mm then we just win.

So you want to waste a day tommorow?

I am now bleeding. Now you think Iā€™m the electro? I have a big meeting this afternoon I am preparing for so I canā€™t be on much currently.

I really think Math may be early convert Poacher -> Assassin. His talk about the bleed early in the day today and how he could confirm himself with a wolf was pretty convenient. He also convinced Ici to use his debt on him last night.


The thing isā€¦ I know I occupied Bazinga who was Assassin. Since theres an Electroā€¦

There should be no other deaths. But yet an Alchemist, who had the ability to kill died.

Theres only 1 explanation. Judekat was killed by a bear attempt on n2. Essentially confirming MathBlade right now if he indeed was debted n3.

No. This wont help BD in the long run

Youā€™re already confirmed and I say we confirm another one.

Especially when confirmations are everything after MM is dead.