Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

No, there isn’t. This is one of the main differences between FoL and FM. Some FMs may also not have a D1 lynch. However, this was confirmed by Marl that there wasn’t one further up.

Alright then bcs most fms had d1 lynch so fol doesn’t got it

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So hows everyone?

/confirm gl everyone

Will be on tomorrow

Alright mate.Did you roll mm this time ?

Btw guys pls don’t start to hard claim d1.It hurts us more

Nu I innocent


Luxy didn’t roll king :thinking: they must be pretender then


Shit, you got me

* Wacks Marcus with a broom * Shoo! Shoo! You’re not in this game :^)


Ow! Ow! Ow! runs away



Who are your top scumreads and why?


Lets see the newbie burn in the darkness :slight_smile:

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I hate my friend…


whoosh back to the darkness


so we aren’t really supposed to out what we are on the first day correct

Yeah, but who do you think is evil and why?

uh no clue maybe some of the people who havent been posting anything yet? maybe GamerPoke. not sure

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Don’t worry about not having any clue right now, I was just pulling your leg.