Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Oof how many hippo ALTs are there


Isnā€™t Memesky also Hippo alt?


SFoL =/= FoL

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/join I was called?


If you havenā€™t played in a CFoL before you can join

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Sorry, weā€™re racist against any non-original Hippos. Thereā€™s only room for one Hippo alt, and itā€™s the host. :pensive:


Whatā€™s a CFoL?
Iā€™ve probably been in one but I donā€™t know.

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Classic Forum of Lies
Normal FOL

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Whenā€™s that starting btw

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Classic Forum Of Lies. :roll_eyes:

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I know what classic FoL is but I never saw it abbreviated.

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whenever eevee wants

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after this newbie fol

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Hmm i thought marl is hippoā€™s alt tho

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Ahh he admitted it nvm

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Back when I played FoLā€™s we just called them FoLs and SFoLs.
We never had that C like you youngā€™uns do now.

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He has many alts, who knows maybe your account is also Hippoā€™S Altā€¦

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Hippo here. Who called?

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I thought i said i am his alt ? Bcs i am hippo

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What if weā€™re all hippo. Screams

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