Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Also don’t just sheep on me, because of a level of activity. It’s completely NAI for me and i just work the most on the games that are most interesting to me at a time and I multi table quite a lot. Check out the canned Mountainous for a really active scum game of mine and SFOL28 for an inactive one.

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Wolfy MathBlade, Luxy, Livicus, omfgcookies 4/8
Solic Captain, bazingaboy 2/8
Omfgcookies Solic 1/8
overthebin Firekitten 1/8

uh i’ll /vote Wolfy as well, let’s see what’s going on

Found the evil.

/vote redrabbit

sorry my classes started today and then i lost my wallet so ive been kind of busy pardon the inactivity
im jst trying to get something to happen otherwise we’re just gonna get steamrolled

:cry: hope you find your wallet soon. All the best with Ur classes.

@GamerPoke @judekat Please try to post at least some messages in-thread before the EOD.


@Wolfy you better make a solid defense soon if you want to turn this around.

Oh, Im here sorry

Who do you think is scum and why.

Let me read the posts first, I just woke up

This from livi is sus to me because they gave a scummy answer for when they were asked why they were sheeping

You want me to be honest? I would rather not claim still considering we don’t know what the opposing faction is right now. Maybe when I’m on 7 votes or on trial, but right now, I still rather not since I can be a high risk convert target.

If I’m on trial or on 7 votes then, I will make a full defense then of why I did not want to reveal my class, but as I said. Main argument for now is because I can be a high risk convert target for a particular faction. This may be a soft for more experienced players if they can understand what I mean by this.

Smart boy

you’ll understand soon Poke

People saying they don’t want to claim cause they are a powerful convert-You literally just told the faction they want to convert you.

Alright I’m going to say this; Wolfy isn’t claiming Sheriff or Paladin, but I get a feeling he could be MM/CL, given he showed up Spec/Inv

wait, what if he was sheriff/pally fake claiming so someone tries to convert them and fails.


I dunno